Certification of secure contactless transaction

Certification, in an open environment, is the main key to ensure the reliability and efficiency of ticketing; transit authorities and operators more and more require it to guarantee the sustainability of their investment. PayCert is an independent Certification Body that delivers certificates of compliance on the behalf of the STA and CNA:

  • The Smart Ticketing Alliance built a  certification program in order to ensure compliance between contactless readers and fare media, with the CEN TS16794 technical specifications and now the last ISO standard, ISO/IEC TS 24192.
  • Calypso Networks Association provides the certification scheme for a compliance of card (PICC) with the Calypso ticketing application specifications.

RF interface

CEN/TS 16794:2017 - ISO/IEC TS 24192:2021 

  Public transport – Communication between contactless readers and fare media

Ticketing Application


Ticketing Application specifications for contactless cards